hOurworld®️ - Software Team
hOurworld®️ is an International Network of Timebanks


an international network
of neighbors helping neighbors


• 25,344 members • 175 communities • 3,158,814 hours service received!

Meet the hOurworld® Software Team!

Stephen Beckett Stephen V Beckett, Physical Therapist, Programmer, Artist, Sailor

Stephen graduated with honors from the University of New England's Physical Therapy degree program. He has been practicing a mix of mainstream and eclectic manual therapies for over twenty years.

Stephen has been messing about with computer electronics and programming since he was knee high to a coke bottle. They call him a 'renaissance man' on account of his many self taught talents like oil painting and sailing.

He possesses a unique blend of left and right brain capabilities, and is responsible for creating the original hOurworld® network software. email Stephen

John SaareJohn Saare, Enterprise Software Engineer, Local Foodie, Gym Rat, Potter, Farmer

John lives in rural California, an area with some serious challenges and wonderful potential. He frowns upon the notion that who a person is or what they do can be condensed into a list, and instead wants you to know that he is here to help build a better life for everyone, informed by the past and present, and our collective dreams of the future.

Emmanuelle Le Gal is a fine artist and graphic designer.

Emmanuelle Le GalShe attended Massachusetts College of Art in Boston. Originally from Brittany, France, she's been living in the US for over twenty four years. In 1997 she started a partnership with her husband and Dreamworld Productions (a recording studio) became Dreamworld Productions and Design. Since then she has worked as the artistic director of the company. Art has always been a big part of Emmanuelle's life and her work reflects her love for nature and the outdoors. Preferring to work with textures, she has enjoyed creating mixed media pieces and collages. She takes pleasure in the experimentation and the discoveries of working at the layering of her thoughts and ideas as well as the gathering of materials. Currently residing in Lynn, MA, she now works part-time. If you don't find her painting or working at her computer, it means she's probably chasing after her two boys.