hOurworld Directory of TimeBanks
hOurworld®️ is an International Network of Timebanks


an international network
of neighbors helping neighbors


• 25,747 members • 192 communities • 3,165,466 hours service received!

hOurworld International Directory of Timebanks

189 Records
ContactOrganization NameFoundedCityStateCountryMembersLast TransLast YearExchanges
ContactUnity in Our Community TimeBank 2012DetroitMichigan [MI]United States [US]754Dec 2024122860387
ContactBrattleboro Time Trade 2023BrattleboroVermont [VT]United States [US]201Jan 2025100563780
ContactPhoenixville Area Time Bank 2022PhoenixvillePennsylvania [PA]United States [US]124Jan 202599255243
ContactTimeBank Boulder 2012BoulderColorado [CO]United States [US]114Jan 202593189456
v2 Contact*Timebank Raglan 2012Raglan []New Zealand [NZ]210Jan 202590710832
ContactTimeBank 2014Hull East Riding of Yorkshire []Great Britain (UK) [GB]932Jan 202586425707
ContactMesilla Valley Timebank 2015Las CrucesNew Mexico [NM]United States [US]443Jan 20258348724
ContactKarmic Margin Call Project 2020ChalfontPennsylvania [PA]United States [US]35Jan 20258086575
ContactPortobello Timebank 2014Edinburgh []Great Britain (UK) [GB]230Jan 20258045733
ContactSt. Pete Timebank 2022St. PetersburgFlorida [FL]United States [US]504Jan 202573937072